How To
Mode D'Emploi
Nii Tettey Tetteh


Step 3 - Throw Over Thumb & Catch


Image #4

Animation #3


Now try throwing out the loose ball so that it swings around the back of your fingers and over your thumb until it hits the ball in your hand (Image #4). Your thumb should be free and not touching the ball in your palm – it acts like a spring as the balls make contact, and sends the swinging ball back.

Catch the swinging ball as it returns to your palm and makes contact with the other ball (Animation #3). The ball will now be moving faster, and it will take some more practice to catch it every time.


Step 4 - Shake your arm back and forth


Image #5

To stop the rhythm you hear looping in the background, just click on the pause button above. Click on it twice and the rhythm will play again.


Once you have practiced catching and releasing the Kashaka ball until you are comfortable, try shaking your arm back and forth (like you’re hammering a nail into a wall) as you catch and release the ball (Image #5). Try shaking the Kashaka until your arm gets used to the movement. Then throw and catch, shake, shake, shake, shake. Repeat until it flows smoothly.

Then reduce the number of shakes until you throw and catch, shake, repeat. It should sound like the rhythm now looping in the background.

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Step 5 -Go wild!



Master the basic moves and then come up with your own tricks. Then try a second Kashaka in your other hand, and you will then be able to create complex polyrhythms. For more inspiration, click here to see video clips and click here to hear audio clips of Kashaka being played.

Good luck and enjoy!

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